
paper teaser figure
DomainGap Embeddings for Generative Dataset Augmentation
Yinong Oliver Wang, Younjoon Chung, Chen Henry Wu, Fernando De la Torre,
Under review at CVPR 2024
"An unsupervised model diagnosis framework to report bias and weakness of computer vision models"

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Unsupervised Model Diagnosis
Yinong Oliver Wang, Eileen Li, Jinqi Luo, Zhaoning Wang, Fernando De la Torre,
Under review at CVPR 2024
"An unsupervised model diagnosis framework to report bias and weakness of computer vision models"

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Robust Embeddings Via Distributions
Kira Selby, Yinong Oliver Wang, Ruizhe Wang, Peyman Passban, Ahmad Rashid, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Pascal Poupart,
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08420 (2021)
"A robust language embeddings as a bayesian framework with BERT and Levenshtein distance"


Software Development Engineer - Alexa Hybrid Engine
August 2021 - August 2022
Toronto, ON Canada

Co-founder - Engineering & Business
May 2020 - March 2021
Waterloo, ON Canada

Software Engineer Intern - AV Map Perception
Janurary 2019 - April 2019
Redmond, WA US

Machine Learning Engineer Intern - On-Edge Face Detection
Janurary 2018 - April 2018
Markham, ON Canada

Frontend Developer Intern - Webpage Dev
May 2017 - August 2017
Markham, ON Canada

Full-Stack Developer Intern - Webapp Dev
September 2016 - December 2016
Toronto, ON Canada


  • Computational Mathematics Upper Year Scholarship, 2020, Waterloo ON
  • Faculty of Mathematics Entrance Scholarship, 2016, Waterloo ON
  • University of Waterloo President's Scholarship, 2016, Waterloo ON
  • Governor General's Academic Medal (Bronze), 2015, Muskoka ON


  • CMU Undergrad AI Mentoring Program (mentor)
  • CMU Chinese Technology Organization (CTO) (organizer)
  • CMU Graduate Entrepreneurship Club
  • 2024 McGinnis Venture Competition at Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship
  • 2019 Velocity Fund (VFF) Pitch Competition finalist at Velocity Incubator
  • 2019 Velocity 5k Pitch Competition winner at Velocity Incubator
  • Polyglot aspirant: self-taught Cantonese, Japanese and Korean; studied French at school
  • Urban planning enthusiast: my study notes and steam workshop about traffic engineering
  • Food explorer and serious chef: cooking for people is a part of my meaning of life